Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Baby Liam

So remember the pictue a few posts down of my friend Lindsay and I at her baby shower?...Her due date was like Dec. 15th or something. Well, her little man Liam decided to be born Yesterday, a full 4 weeks early. Weighing a heafty 5 lbs 8 oz..ha ha. Cute as a bugs butt...welcome Liam, I can't wait to spoil you rotten.

Now it should be said that this is Lindsay and her husband Ben's first baby so this premature birth was totally unexpected. But Lindsay was a champ...when she finally showed up at the hospital to see why she was feeling so crummy, she was dialated to a whopping 8 cm...you go girl! Unfortunately, she was way beyond an epidural, but she still rocked the birth anyway.
Enjoy your new bundle of joy you two...

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