Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday at the ZOO

Megan, Emma, Kelli, Madi, Alden and I decided to take a little trip to The Sacramento Zoo this morning. The girls are so fun to watch together, madi always wants to hug on Emma, and Emma always wants madi to STOP huggin on her! haha Madi had multiple melt downs because I wouldn't Uppy-doo her all day, but that's to be expected i guess. Alden did great, and so did Emma woot-woot. We even got to ride the new merry-go-round...thanks megan and emma for another wonderful day, hope we didn't scare you away with a dose of the crazy :)
PS. We miss you daddy!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Swimming at Yammy Yammy and Great Grandpas

So madi had her '2nd' Third birthday party on July 19th. We decided to do her family party over at My grandma's house in Folsom, we were surrounded by lots of family as well as madi's good friend Emma and her Mommy Megan. Yammy Yammy even made Madi her very own Ice Cream-dolly surprise and Ice Cream cake for the rest of us. It was a lot of fun in the sun, and enough to wear the kids completely out!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Makena Faith Wooster

Welcome to the world Makena, i happen to know that your life from here on out will always be filled with lots of is so nice to finally meet you. Congrats Robin and Mike.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Madi Chase

Here's a phot shoot madi wanted to do for Daddy...enjoy!

Alden the musician

Alden LOVES music. He immediately feels the beat and starts boppin, very cute. Here is a video from this morning while he was playing Daddy's key board, i only captured a little bit, but i was trying so hard not to laugh.

Friday, April 24, 2009

A rainy day inside

Today we were inside ALL day, and it's only 6:56pm right now and i've officially declared it the LONGEST DAY EVER! We started out our day with our neighbors Robin and her little boy Brayden, and we finished our day with Madi and Alden's cousin Alan...thanks
everyone for keeping us busy on this long long day.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Poor Alden

Poor Alden had to get tubes in his ears today. After many, many, many ear infections in a short period of time, it was our last resort. In theory, it's a great idea, i just wish it was painless and didn't require anesthesia. Overall he did very well, he was only in surgery for about 5 minutes, but the anesthesia really took it's toll on the little guy. It took him about 45 minutes to really come out of it, and he was screaming the whole time, thrashing and throwing his head around. It was so hard for Michelle and I, because we really couldn't comfort him. I think there are few things that are worse than not being able to comfort ones crying baby. After he finally fell asleep in the car, we drove around taking madi to school, picking up perscriptions, etc...and when I finally got to work and unloaded the baby, he was beyond wonderful. Crawling, clapping, playing with toys, it was amazing, like the surgery had never happened. So here we are, besides a little leakage coming from each ear, he's great.
Here are some pictures from this morning.

In the waiting room before we went back
Dressed in his hospital gown, pictures with yammy and Mommy

The poor unsuspecting fellow!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Baa Baa Black Sheep

This one's for you Daddy!

Water Play!

No words are really needed!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Brookelynn's Birthday Party

Madi loved the bounce house at Brooklelynn's Birthday party today...

But there was one little person that loved it even more than her!