Thursday, April 23, 2009

Poor Alden

Poor Alden had to get tubes in his ears today. After many, many, many ear infections in a short period of time, it was our last resort. In theory, it's a great idea, i just wish it was painless and didn't require anesthesia. Overall he did very well, he was only in surgery for about 5 minutes, but the anesthesia really took it's toll on the little guy. It took him about 45 minutes to really come out of it, and he was screaming the whole time, thrashing and throwing his head around. It was so hard for Michelle and I, because we really couldn't comfort him. I think there are few things that are worse than not being able to comfort ones crying baby. After he finally fell asleep in the car, we drove around taking madi to school, picking up perscriptions, etc...and when I finally got to work and unloaded the baby, he was beyond wonderful. Crawling, clapping, playing with toys, it was amazing, like the surgery had never happened. So here we are, besides a little leakage coming from each ear, he's great.
Here are some pictures from this morning.

In the waiting room before we went back
Dressed in his hospital gown, pictures with yammy and Mommy

The poor unsuspecting fellow!

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