Monday, April 13, 2009


WOW, easter kept us very busy this year. We started out at Cross Pointe church in Lincoln (for those of you that don't know, i am in LOVE with this church), after church we went to Yammy Chelle's and Papa Greg's for the annual Easter Egg hunt, then off to Yammy Yammy and Great Papa's house in Folsom ( my grandparents) for lunch, then back to Yammy Chelle's and Papa Greg's for dinner...and then finally home to bed. It was busy, but it was fun and very full of everything and everyone that we love and cherish in our lives...Yes Chrissy, that most definitely includes you ;)

Madi really got into the Easter spirit this year, her and Alden had so much fun finding their Easter baskets that the Easter Bunny decided to hide this year. Alden was SO happy when he woke up, ready to start the day. I can't wait until next year when Alden is a little older, i think of how much more fun it will be to watch them find their treats from the Bunny himself.

(Alden has the sleepy eyes on)

So Tom left this morning at 3:30am to catch a flight to Atlanta Georgia...he will be there training for his new job for the next three weeks. He comes home on may 1st, and we're already anxiously awaiting his arrival. We miss you hunny, so much!

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