Saturday, April 11, 2009

The kids are growing!

It's been a LOOOOONG time since my last post. Nothing really new except the kids getting bigger everyday. They are the absolute lights of my life and i am sooooo fortunate not only to have them as MY children, but to truely know in this moment how lucky i am every single day. I catch myself often just gazing at what tom and i have created; two beatiful children, a loving home, stability, consistancy, FUN...ha ha the list could go on and on. I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but i am proud of tom and I, that as a young couple we have our priorities straight and we do whats right for ourselves and our children.
So madi is two and a half, she'll be three on July 10th. She is constantly cracking us up with things that she says, she absolutely adores her little brother, and she LOVES princess anything. Her favorite is Ariel, in fact her birthday party will be 'the little mermaid' theme. We look forward to watching her grow each day...mostly i look forward to losing the 'binky' i just can't seem to do it, i've tried multiple times and aside from the misery it causes her, the timing just really hasn't been right. Tom leaves on Monday for three weeks for training, so perhaps i will try again. I am weak though, i can admit it, there is nothing worse to me than one of my little people crying! Madi loves telling me that "yer not da boss of me mom" all in fun of course...she knows who the boss is :)

Alden is 11 months old, he'll be one on May 5th CINCO DE MAYO people! ha ha He is such a boy, totally different than madi was. It's true when people say that boys are boys and girls are girls. Alden loves making car noises, dancing, pulling himself up on anything that will hold him, being near his sister, and playing with ANY type of Ball. His vocabulary is growing by the minute, he can now say...mama, dada, ball (BA), more (MO), and puff (PAH), he can also clap his hands and wave bye bye. His favorite toy these days seem to be Madi's doll house, or rather the people that live inside of it. He crawls over to it everyday and like king kong grabs a hold of the roof, pulls himself up and plucks the poor unsuspecting family from inside. His favorites are the baby and the Grandma...used to be the daddy, but we lost him in folsom at the outlets :(

So here we are, gearing up for lots of summer fun. Aldens birthday party next month, Montana in June, Madi's birthday party in July and maybe a nice and relaxing day in August on our Anniversay where tom and i can reflect on the many things that enrich our lives daily...maybe someday soon he'll humor me and we can add another one of the beautiful wonders to our family...I said 'maybe' ha ha.

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